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Monday, February 14, 2011

The Carnival Industry Poll

Today's Questions:

  1. Can Carnival become a viable, sustainable and year-round industry?
  2. What can be done by the government to create a favorable and enabling environment for investment in Carnival?
  3. What can artists and organizers do to promote and export carnival culture internationally for a positive return on investment?


i would say no!!! the amount of debt a consumer has after the "so-call" two months of carnival is ridiculous. if this continues people would just be working to pay debts....also, businesses would decrease in service because with the amount of time spent on fetes and parties, employees are unable to work efficiently.
No not yet because,Carnival in itself has been a seasonal thing, as a result everything that promotes carnival is seasonal. In order to make this event a year round affair it starts at home. Trinbagoians need to cherish their culture.We started it, we know its history,its value therefore it is marketable. Secondly the government needs to give more than financial incentives, they need to put programs and structures in communities, schools and make it big part of foreign affairs,so it would be promote as a sustainable year round industry. Artists need to go out and promote carnival, get contracts,make the music appealing in the international markets. When these actions begin to take place, only then carnival can be a sustainable year round industry.
yes, Carnival can become viable throughout the year and here is the reason why. In Trinidad and Tobago we celebrate carnival once per year on a large scale, but there are other mini celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago as "trinis" we refer them as City Week or Borough days. Unofficially we already celebrate Carnival all throughout the year for example, in Point Fortin, San Fernando, Arima, Tobago and Chaguanas, these city and Borough week festivals resemble Carnival in many ways. in Point Fortin Borough day is well established and well publicized where people from all over Trinidad and Tobago and the world venture to Point to celebrate. These Borough and City Week celebrations can be turned into mini Carnival in a more structured way, not forgetting to promote the Borough or City's history as well as Trinidad and Tobago's history.The city Week and Borough should be publicized all over the world to make the industry more viable to the tourism industry.
The government can put more resources into the Carnival industry by advertising internationally through the Ministry of Tourism.
The artistes can work along with Carnival committees and create a Carnival bandwagon and travel to various countries to promote and teach other Countries about carnival with using the country's history to create a new type of carnival. These countries can pay for these services by the Trinidad and Tobago Bandwagon. The artistes would be able to showcase their talent to world as mini Carnivals would held in those countries to show how Carnival is done in Trinidad and Tobago.
I think artists and organizers can promote and export carnival culture internationally by doing more advertising internationally and also by making music that appeals to different cultures. This awareness could attract a lot of tourists.
Carnival incorporates more than just the two days the "mas" takes the streets, it can be sustained year round and be very profitable. Soca Monarch for instance, other Caribean artist who won in their countries are automatically entered into ours. We should alos be able to enter theirs and have a Monarch for the Caribbean where anyone cam enter.The government giving financial support is not enough, the Ministries need to be more active all year round. Artists need to come together and promote the music together, make music videos of high quality, use the internet to their advantage (websites, blogs, facebook, twitter). Some radio stations stop play soca music as soon as Ash Wednesday comes, we can do better than that. Soca and pan are our heritage, and we should appreciate it much more.
No i don't think Carnival can become a viable, sustainable and year round industry because other cultures such as the Heritage festival in Tobago would be affected. This year the Government gave 2 million dollars as first prize for soca monarch, calypso monarch, and chutney soca monarch, therefore having Carnival year round would not be very beneficial to Trinidad and Tobago. At Carnival time there are plenty tourists visiting the country but year round there are carnival events in other countries so not as much tourist would visit Trinidad and Tobago. More calypso and soca artists of Trinidad and Tobago should participate in the carnival activities of other countries to make our culture more recognize to the other countries. The Prime Minister was present at various competitions n among the mas on carnival Tuesday, so the Government have started to get more involved in the Carnival celebrations.
No I don;t believe that Carnival can become a viable, sustainable and year round industry because carnival is a tradition and it's special and if you make it year round you will take away the real meaning of it. It is a 48 hour celebration that should be kept once a year which will preserve it's true nature.
I believe that the government should create centers all around the country that deals with carnival and have persons there to educate those who wish to learn more. Also I believe that it should be a part of the schooling syllabus which will help the future generation to have a grasp knowledge of carnival.
Artists and organizers can do tours in target countries where they would expect to get response to promote and export carnival culture internationally for a positive return on investment. Also they can do some advertising in ways such as through the internet and even popular cable stations.
Carnival is an event that people anxiously await every year to have freedom on our streets, a way to relieve stress and to see friends and family that we may not have seen for a while. Therefore, I believe that making carnival a year round thing will lessen this excitement that people wait every year. Also when something is always there we tend to take it for granted. Now, if we are looking at carnival being promoted year round then that will be good because it will help people to learn more about carnival internationally and realize that it is not only the two days that makes carnival.
The government needs to make investments that will allow people to be educated about carnival through various programs.
Artists and organizers can promote and export carnival internationally by getting the winners of our carnival celebration involved in other countries carnival, so that we will showcase our creativity.
think first we trinbagonians have to take our country to have a sense of national self-actualization which would help us respect and appreciate the natural skills and talents of our citizens. After that we can put genuine value on your national cultures. For Trinidad & Tobago Carnival or TrinBago Carnival(brand name)we need a continuous networked state aided industry. This networked industry should consist of Ministry of Education, Artisans, Cottage Industries, Recycling Plants, special transportation system, healthcare support, various types of insurance from personal to industrial

Each county can have specialty cottage industries geared toward carnival which can make each county a tourist destination. Ever notice how America markets each state as a tourist destination? Well, we can do that too if we take our people skills and national pride to heart, to government and to the bank. Why should we be wearing “baseball” caps depicting American sport when we should be wearing cricket caps depicting west indies cricket, for example.

We have to revolutionize our national thinking, be more openminded to a lot of caribbean human issues that we have been brainwashed by colonialism to scorn.

We have sooo many cultures represented in this tiny country but we don't know how to really appreciate them, package and market them to the world and literally seduce the world to monetarily and culturally spend time with us. Let's at least try. submitted by Shelley-Ann Thompson.
Carnival all year round. Hmmmm the last time i checked we had 16 holidays. 364/5 days of holidays doesnt sound that bad. hmmmm

Productivity will decrease so badly if this happens. YOu know we trinis will do any and everything for a 'lime'.
In terms of promoting our art form internationally I believe soca has made it to some extent and we as Trinbagonains need to be more passionate when it comes to our culture, especially our music. We've seen movie stars and entertainers visit our shores and that is mainly because of our presence worldwide and the many homesick individuals craving for every ounce of T and T.

The government can only do so much but can advertise more as well as get crime under control. To encourage investors crime must be curtailed. As someone said earlier we can also start with the schools and there are some schools that encourage calypso and pan, just not enough. It can also be noted that the lyrics should be more than jump up and wave or about wining. I especially enjoy the extempo and social/political commentry, however only Trinbagonians and others in the Caribbean and maybe friends who have come to know our culture appreciate this as it realtes to us in the Caribbean.

Many Caribbean people who live abroad look forward to their carnival (Miami, Toronto etc.)as well as the artistes that perform (Machel, Iwer etc.) This shows some degree of partiotism and incentives from the government can push it further.

Finally, Peter Minshall and Mc Farlane are men who have proper themes and when their art form goes international more should be said and done about them and sweet T and T and not kept as a secret.
Even though I am a passionate/patriotic citizen of T and T, I believe carnival has it's season and should not be a year-round industry. Besides it is appreciated and celebrated throughout the world and our entertainers as well as mas men/pan men benefit by earning foreign income. Just to add a few words from yesterday.
Yes - If proper management strategies are implemented.
1. convince local business leaders with Business executive plans to set up local costumes industries that would benefit the economy.
2.Put forward plans to reduce import taxes on all costumes materials.
3.Develop a academy for learners who wants to become teachers in the future.
4. Convert in into a academic program and make it a part of the primary and secondary schools curriculum.
5. Offer scholarships to students who wants to pursue certificate in pan at UWI.
They need to return a small amount back to the economy through scholarship programs,develop the content of the music so that it could have a strong impact on the people cognitive, so that it could become part of the culture and even pass down to their generation and work together with one ideology about its future.
I do not think that Carnival is something that should be a sustainable industry all year. Despite the excitement that it brings each year, the locals will most definitely get bored and Carnival will loose its historic and symbolic meaning.
Also imagine just what might happen if the government have to contribute more than $100 million dollars to carnival. This cannot be done if money is not being generated from this industry. Tourism is a vital tool in Carnival all over the Caribbean. Tourists visit to see Carnival and of course they spend. In Trinidad and Tobago, however, there is not enough tourism activity to support Carnival, much less all year.
The rarity of the big events around Carnival time is what gives Carnival its attraction and excitement and that is what tourists want to see.
Throughout the year, Carnival can be promoted outside of Trinidad in magazines and brochures through the tourism industry which can be market more widely. Local artiste can also produce high quality music videos that can be played on Caribbean channels and possibly even BET and MTV.
No. Carnival cannot become a viable, sustainable and year-round industry? Carnival is the greatest show on earth because it’s celebrated just once a year. The whole thrill behind Carnival is the fact that you have to wait a whole year for it. Carnival cannot be year round, just look at our pockets and the treasury. It’s always empty after Carnival.
Instead of giving away 2 million. The Government should invest in marketing schemes which will place Carnival on the map. Our Artists should also present Carnival as an event that represents our rich and diverse culture
No carnival cannot be a year round industry because of the time and money it takes to produce a costume. If carnival became a year round event the standard, quality and service that is received on a seasonal basis would be reduce dramatically.
Artists and organizers need to educate the people about how it began and hold events to show investors what carnival was and what it is today like the mas.
i dont think that having carnival year round would b such a good idea because carnival in trinidad is a special event, having it year round will cause people to loose interest in it. it would become like a normal event to some people. also carnival events takes time to prepare, an this can be very tedious; so having it year round, the artists may not be portraying their full potential. also the country around carnival, is at a high time low in production for the fiscal year. so having it year round will only add to the low level of production.

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