Making A Difference In Our Space

Public Relations, Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication Blog

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Topic of the Month

In hindsight, what would have needed to be done to make the Fifth Summit of the Americas (VSOA) and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), a success for the people of Trinidad and Tobago from a Public Relations perspective?

Author: Masimba Peters
   Public Relations Student

The Fifth Summit of the Americas (VSOA) brought together the democratically elected Heads of State and Government of the Western Hemisphere to discuss common concerns, develop a shared vision for the future of the region, and seek solutions to problems and challenges confronting their countries. CHOGM is an acronym for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. It is held every two (2) years and brings together Commonwealth leaders to discuss global and Commonwealth issues. Trinidad and Tobago hosted both events from April 17 to 19, 2009 and November 27 to 29, 2009 respectively.
Almost two years have passed and we have yet to see what the outcomes of VSOA and CHOGM were. Firstly, Trinidad and Tobago was the host; however Tobago was totally alienated from both meetings. For a country that is working toward first world status this is very third world to completely ignore the other half of our twin island republic. Tobago plays a large part in our tourism sector and was overlooked as venue. All the pre-summit preparations done in Trinidad were not intended for the residents but rather for the visitors. The public was not totally engaged but rather ostracized and were uncertain of the purpose of VSOA and CHOGM.
For VSOA and CHOGM to have been successful for the people of Trinidad and Tobago,  both events would have had to have a lasting impression in the world’s mind. VSOA and CHOGM were overshadowed by many factors such as the controversy over the amount of money spent, the issue of Cuba; although not in attendance, the hand shake between President Obama  and President Chavez and of course Queen Elizabeth II. There was no follow through with the meetings; after they were completed Trinidad and Tobago was soon a memory. All things take time, but no initiatives were taken after the meetings were completed. This is the major downfall to hosting these two very important meetings.


It really was a memorable event. Sad to say that Trinidad and Tobago did not get more recognition though. Tobago should not have been treated in that manner also. We are to live in harmony with our fellow sister isle.
Heads of Government in defining their Vision of the Caribbean Community in the early 21st century, agreed that it was first necessary to take stock and complete their unfinished agenda of the 20th century. To that end, they recalled the measures set out in the Grand Anse Declaration and Work Programme adopted in 1989 and assessed the progress made in the implementation of those measures. They also recalled the West Indian Commission Report - Time for Action - which flowed therefrom and reiterated the continuing relevance of its recommendations.
In the above statement it is a reflection that if after two major events and the Caribbean cannot connect the dots to embrace one common union for the people then CHOGM AND VSOA will remain a time for elaborate and extravagant display of our heads of State.Just another talk show.
in my opinion Tobago was not alienated during the CHOGM AND the VSOA the then Government of T and T PNM organized tours in Tobago for members Government heads and officials attending. After the ending of both events there was high influx of persons to Tobago .At least Tobago saw some foreign investment and increase in Tourism even though there is an increase in crime on foreigners. However the PNM should have showed the benefits of holding such prestigious events on the country and Trinidad and Tobago. That would of created a long lasting memory on the people’s minds of T and T that the PNM spent taxes payers money well on both the CHOGUM and the VSOA.
I agree with Sherrese. T&T knew about the both events.The whole idea behind the critics is the bad allocation of money and the measurable outcomes. However there were a lot of downfalls hosting these events and Masimba's paper outlined them perfectly. In the end, we as a nation need to seek our own interest and make the best of what was gained thus far from the hosting of both events.

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